A collection of wait-free containers and algorithms.
▼Ntervel | TODO(steven): |
▼Nalgorithms | |
▼Nwf | |
▼Nmcas | |
CCasRow | This class is used to represent a one of the M CAS operations performed by an MCAS operation |
CHelper | This class is the MCAS operation's helper |
CMultiWordCompareAndSwap | MultiWordCompareAndSwap class is used to perform a Multi-Word Compare-and-Swap (MCAS) To execute an MCAS, call addCASTriple for each address you want to update, then call execute(); |
▼Ncontainers | |
▼Nlf | |
▼Nmcas_buffer | |
CNode | |
CRingBuffer | |
▼Nwf | |
▼Nvector | |
CArrayArray | |
CPopOp | |
CPopOpHelper | |
CPopOpSubHelper | |
CPopWRAOp | |
CPopWRAOpHelper | |
CPushDescr | |
CPushOp | |
CPushOpHelper | |
CPushWRAOp | |
CPushWRAOpHelper | |
CReadOp | |
CVectorArray | |
CWriteHelper | |
CWriteOp | |
Cdefault_functor | A default Functor implementation |
▼CHashMap | A wait-free hash map implementation |
CArrayNode | This class is used to hold the secondary array structure |
CDataNode | This class is used to hold a key and value pair |
CForceExpandOp | TODO(steven): add description TODO(steven): move into a file |
CNode | This class is used to differentiate between data_nodes and array_nodes/ |
CValueAccessor | This class is used to safe guard access to values |
▼CHashMapNoDelete | A wait-free hash map implementation |
CArrayNode | This class is used to hold the secondary array structure |
CDataNode | This class is used to hold a key and value pair |
CNode | This class is used to differentiate between data_nodes and array_nodes/ |
CValueAccessor | This class is used to safe guard access to values |
▼CRingBuffer | This is a non-blocking FIFO ring buffer design that was made wait-free by applying a progress assurance framework to it |
CBufferOp | |
CDequeueOp | |
CEnqueueOp | |
CHelper | |
CValue | RingBuffer value class, values stored in the class must extend it |
▼Nutil | |
▼Nmemory | |
▼Nhp | |
CElement | This class is used for the creation of Hazard Pointer Protected Objects Objects which extend it have the ability to call safeFree which delays the calling of the objects destructor until it is safe to do so |
CElementList | Defines a list of objects which are stored until they are safe to be freed |
CHazardPointer | This class is used to maintain the list of hazard pointed objects |
▼CListManager | Encapsulates a shared central 'to free list' between several thread-local lists |
CManagedPool | |
▼Nrc | |
CDescriptorPool | Defines a pool of descriptor objects which is used to allocate descriptors and to store them while they are not safe to delete |
▼CPoolElement | This class is used to hold the memory management information (Header) and a descriptor object |
CHeader | All the member variables of PoolElement are stored in a struct so that the left over memory for cache padding can be easily calculated |
▼CPoolManager | A manager class for the reference count protected memory pools |
CManagedPool | |
CReadFirstOp | Class used for placement in the Op Table to complete an operation that failed to complete in a bounded number of steps |
CDescriptor | This defines the Descriptor class, this class is designed to be extend and be used in conjunction with primarily the RC memory pool objects |
COpRecord | This class is used to create Operation Records |
CPaddedAtomic | |
▼CProgressAssurance | This class represents the progress assurance scheme employed by our library |
CLimit | |
CRecursiveAction | Helper class for RAII management of recursive helping of threads |
CTervel | Contains shared information that should be accessible by all threads |
CThreadContext | Thread local information |
CEraseAt | |
CInsertAt | |
CPopHelper | |
CPopOp | |
CPopSubHelper | |
CPushHelper | |
CPushOp | |
CShiftHelper | |
▼CTestClass | |
Cequal_to | |
▼Cfoo_set_traits | |
Cordered_list_traits | |
Cfunctor | |
Cless_s | |
Clist_traits | |
▼Cmap_traits | |
Chash | |
CMyHashCompare | |
Cs_hash | |
Cufunctor | |
CWrapperType | |
▼CTestObject | |
Ccounter |